
Subscribe to Nume Premium

2 min read

Nume Premium is the first rollup subscription model on Ethereum, deployed on zkEVM. For 1.99 DAI per month, subscribers can unlock unlimited fee-less operations on the network which include token transfers, withdrawals, NFT transfers, mints, and trades. Learn more

This guide will walk you through the simple process of subscribing to Nume Premium.

Before getting started, make sure that you have sufficient DAI to cover a Nume Premium Subscription — 1.99 DAI. If not, bridge funds in from Polygon zkEVM to the Nume network.

1. Navigate to the Premium page.

2. Subscriptions are recurring on a monthly cadence unless canceled. Nume Premium is a trustless subscription model meaning you don’t have to rely on our Sequencer to cancel your subscription, you can directly cancel via our protocol if you choose to. Click on ‘Confirm’.

3. Provide your signature to provide approval for the Nume contract to withdraw 1.99 DAI on a recurring basis.

4. Your subscription is now active! Cancel anytime by clicking on ‘Cancel Subscription’

5. Note: that the ‘Active’ badge will appear once you refresh the page. Your DAI balance has been deducted towards your Nume Premium subscription.

6. With an active Nume Premium subscriptions, token transfers (usually 0.05 DAI) and withdrawals (0.10 DAI)become fee-less. As do NFT mints, transfers and trades!


Nume is a gas-free, scalable and secure web3 payments protocol with primitives tailored for commerce.

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